Selling And Buying Strategies: Everything A Sales Person Should Know

A salesperson must apply the correct strategies to reach his target. If the approach is wrong, it will impact the overall deal. Therefore, for a favourable return, it is essential to please the customers always. Are you also a part of the extensive sales team? Forget the apprehensions and concentrate on improving your performance.

There is no end to learning something new. Moreover, every day you can discover innovative ways of sales. However, the basic strategies are essential to know to formulate something extraordinary on their basis. Ensure that your concepts are clear before plunging into anything new. Dr. Arunaagiri can help you determine your strengths and fix your goals.

A professional approach is necessary to impress your customers. Therefore, we will project here the best strategies, crucial for both sellers and buyers.

Strategies You Must Know

A seller should think from the perspective of the buyer. You can be an efficient sales professional when you know your customer’s needs. So, think rationally before approaching for any product or service.

A few of the effective strategies related to easy buying and selling are;-

  • Know Your Customer

Most of you are already familiar with the term KYC. Now it refers to Know Your Customer. The banks demand all the information in this form from the customer to maintain the records. However, KYC is not limited to banks only. It is relevant for any profession, wherever you are selling something. Therefore, it is every sales rep’s responsibility to understand the customer’s requirements. Similarly, every buyer should clearly define his/her wishes to ensure a favorable deal.

  • Appropriate Pricing

This is indeed the most vital part of any transaction. If the customer is unsatisfied with the pricing, he or she will never invest in the product. However, as a good salesperson, you must convince them why it is beneficial. Moreover, explain the cost-effectiveness of your product to ensure that there is no doubt. An affordable product with all the benefits is undoubtedly what every buyer looks for.

  • Identify The Problem

Providing the correct solution is impossible unless you know the problem. Therefore, you must listen to everything your customer is telling you. Active Listening opens up avenues for a strong bond among both parties. Hence, the sales executive should identify the problem his customer is facing. When the issue is clear, the solution will automatically be applicable according to the scenario.

  • Avoid Selling Unnecessary Things

The buyers must be specific about what they want to purchase. Furthermore, the sellers also must restrain from selling any product which is not necessary. As we pointed out earlier, identifying the problem is vital. You must sell a product in line with the customer’s requirements. Do not show something in which he/she has no interest. Otherwise, they get bored and irritated. A happy customer is always what you need. It does not matter whether he purchases your product in the first meeting. There are high chances of profitable dealings in the future once a person is satisfied with your behavior.


Are you now confident about selling more products? If not, please consult with the Sales Guru, Dr. Arunaagiri Mudaaliar. His exclusive classes focus on different sales approaches and how you will face the customers. Moreover, beginners may encounter various challenges while communicating with prospects. They have to understand the buyers’ thought process to mitigate their problems. Therefore, a learning attitude is essential for excellent performance.

We have thrown light on some of the essential strategies for effective buying and selling. If the buyer is satisfied, the seller will not have to make much effort to sell the product. However, if the prospect has some doubts, every salesperson must try to resolve them first. This is the primary stage of creating a good impression.

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