Play With Words- The Secret Of Sales

Sales are about your motive, communication, and, most importantly, WORDS. Choosing the correct word at the right moment determines the caliber and expertise of a salesman. Speech can never fail. Effective communication and power-packed words always cast a profound influence on the listener. As a result, you will have an upper hand to convince the client.

An extremely talented salesperson can also fail in his next initiative. The outcome depends largely on the approach and the sales executive’s mindset. Moreover, the newcomers should stay calmer while meeting clients for the first time. Reveal all the secrets of sales by joining the extraordinary classes of Dr. Arunaagiri Mudaaliar. You will have solutions to all your queries relating to sales and its approaches.

In this blog, the sales personnel can learn the right direction to achieve the goal. We will share a few powerful words to simplify your selling journey.

Words Leading To Successful Sales

Words can change the entire graph of sales. You need to be attentive while doing the training sessions. Some of the impactful words are mentioned here. Take a look to utilize the apt word as per the circumstance.

Name of the ProspectGrab the attention of the prospect by calling out their name. This will immediately activate their brains and persuade them to listen to you. A person will instantly respond as soon as he/she listens to their names.

  • We

Whenever you emphasize a product’s features, always focus on the brand. Use more “We” during communication. It will make the client think you are looking for the solution with her/him. You care for them. Thus, no barriers will be there between the customer and the salesman.

  • Value

Value is a fundamental factor when dealing with a customer. Focus on the value and price only after getting assured about the customers’ needs. Personalized experiences also ensure that the product’s price is worthy of investment.

  • Help

Building trust is essential while communicating with the customer. Furthermore, successful deal closure is possible only when the prospect believes you. Try to convince them that you are there to help the customer. Please do not force. Express yourself like a friend and discover the hidden desires in the prospect’s mind.

  • Do

Experts say you should show confidence in resolving the client’s problems. Therefore, always use words like Do instead of Try. Be specific about your actions. Your customer should not have any doubt in mind at the end of the conversation.

  • Safe

Choose words like “Safe,” “Authentic,” “Genuine,” etc., putting more focus on the product quality The prospects should get the assurance that the product is absolutely safe and secure.

  • Proven

You must emphasize that the product is safe and beneficial. It is a proven fact. Words like proven, proof, and tests clarify what you think about the security of the customer.

  • Tips

Mention “tips” during your conversation. These will surely fetch you extra points along with benefitting the customers.

  • Improved

This is a powerful word and has a significant impact on your customer. Highlight the adaptability of the product to changing needs and methods. An improved version is always more appreciable to the prospects.

  • Thank You

Last but not least, you should thank your customer for giving their valuable time. It does not matter whether you close the deal successfully or not. Expressing Thanks and gratitude always act as a positive point.

These are just some words you should use as an expert salesperson. Therefore, learn some more powerful words to meet your objective. The classes of Dr. Arunaagiri are indeed the best for this.


The most important trade secret for any salesperson is the choice of words. You must play with the words to identify the actual needs. If you are new to this area, find out the best actions from the business coach and mentor, Dr. Arunaagiri Mudaaliar.

The eminent author and entrepreneur make you an expert in selling vocabulary. Adopt modern methods and learn powerful words. You will soon profess in your field.


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