Increased Productivity Practicing Pranayama

Increased Productivity Practicing Pranayama

Corporate organizations have begun adopting employee-friendly practices to make work life more fun and engaging, as stress is becoming unbearable and work has become more demanding. The best way to balance work and personal life is through the ancient science of pranayama, so it’s not surprising that employees complain of divided attention and constant restlessness.

Increased Productivity Practicing PranayamaHaving a poor manager and not feeling connected to your workplace and its values, or the work itself, are all potential contributors to decreased productivity at work. While open communication and feedback are two examples of remedial measures that may assist, it may some more time for the changes to take effect.

Pranayama Consistent daily practice of pranayama will benefit both the mind and body. Stress is reduced, blood flow is improved, and posture is improved when desktop yoga and pranayama are practised together. While performing pranayama, one ought to ensure that the back is straight and focus on relaxing. Sahaj Pranayama, also known as easy breathing, requires several deep breaths. To complete the exercise, one must inhale through the nose for five counts, hold the breath for ten counts, and exhale through the mouth for ten counts. This needs to be done 10 to 12 times.

One of the main reasons for poor grades in school and college or low productivity at work is a lack of focus. Students, professionals, homemakers, and entrepreneurs all strive for the same quality to improve the quality of their lives. Even though folly is the mother of all follies, improving one’s concentration can be accomplished with guidance.

Of the different centre improvement choices accessible today, yoga and pranayama are likely the most seasoned and dependable techniques that can take you nearer to your objective. However, yoga might be, to a greater extent, an actual exercise method. It deals with the psychological level as well. It boosts immunity and makes the body more flexible. Additionally, it calms the mind, soothes the nerves, and reduces stress.

You can enrol for our Golden Hour Program as part of our training programs.



  • I have been attending Dr. Arunaagiri’s Holistic wellbeing programs and also am a part of the Golden Hour session every day. I must admit that after attending these sessions and practicing regularly I find myself in much better physical and mental state. With a few challenges on the medical front I decided to regularly attend these sessions and find it very useful. Recommend it for all.

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