Improve your Wellness with the Golden Hour Program

Improve your Wellness with the Golden Hour Program

A holistic approach to wellness considers every facet of a person’s life and how they interact with their surroundings. Instead of relying entirely on the medical model to cure illness and disease, holistic wellness promotes the idea that everyone can contribute to their wellness. It considers the condition of the mind, body, and soul to advance well-being.

What images come to mind when “health” and “well-being” are mentioned?

Did you consider your mental health in addition to your physical health? We sometimes believe in our physical health; taking care of your body is crucial. However, we must consider the entire body, not its physical component.

Improve your Wellness with the Golden Hour ProgramHave you ever observed that you tend to concentrate more on your health during or after a physical illness? You focus your energy on getting well when recovering from an illness. Usually, when we’re recovering, we forget to take care of our minds. So what do you need to do? The solution is to address your well-being holistically.

Holistic wellness is significant because it aids people in understanding sickness by taking a comprehensive look at all facets of their lives and making adjustments to encourage recovery and prevention. 4 By encouraging spiritual and emotional reflection and preventing illness and disease, holistic wellness is crucial in ensuring that someone will lead a happy and healthy life. Accountability, self-control, and sound judgment are also linked to achieving holistic health.

Using a holistic approach, you can learn the interrelationships between your physical, spiritual, and emotional selves. In other words, the holistic method emphasizes the health of the entire human body.

Your entire body will probably become aware if one component is out of alignment. For instance, people with digestive issues risk acquiring anxiety, sadness, and mood disorders, and people who don’t get enough vitamins may suffer from physical and mental adverse effects. A holistic wellness strategy aims to incorporate healthy food, physical activity, and conventional medicine with knowledge of hormone levels, vitamin levels, intestinal health, and other factors.

Exercise benefits your health, but do you realize how valuable it is? The practice has many benefits, from elevating your mood, boosting your energy levels, and lowering your risk of developing chronic diseases.

Daily exercise has several advantages that cannot be disregarded. Everyone benefits from training regardless of age, sex, or gender. The good news is that starting is always possible if, like most people, you still need to alter your exercise routine. You can start slowly and gradually increasing the time you spend exercising.

Features of Holistic Wellness

Physical health: The body is frequently referred to as a vessel. It must be taken care of to retain stability, flexibility, and illness prevention.

Mental Health: Awareness of your thoughts and feelings and how they affect how you interact with others is critical to mental health.

Social well-being: A key component of our well-being is social support. This element encompasses your relationships with people and how you communicate, collaborate, and establish bonds with them.

Spiritual well-being includes solid connections to one’s inner self and faith in a higher power. Our ability to find meaning in life and be motivated to advance.

There are so many responsibilities in a day! Your general well-being is neglected due to the demanding schedule, which is an essential component of your life. Set total well-being as a top priority by doing the following:

As soon as you wake up, set a wellness objective. It can be as simple as engaging in a self-care activity, walking the stairs, or eating one healthy meal.

Begin modestly. Dopamine, the reward hormone that boosts motivation, is released when you achieve even minor successes. Spend one golden hour each day on your health.

Get a companion or a group that can help you. Find those who share your interests in improving their well-being. We are inspired by social support, which also facilitates friendship development.

When it comes to achieving overall well-being, there are no shortcuts. What counts are the actions you take to complete them? While consistency might help you stay on track with your wellness objectives, holistic well-being is a lifetime process, not a destination. You might rapidly notice the holistic effects thanks to the mind and body connection.

Most of the time, we tend to disregard symptoms like headaches, fatigue, indigestion, stiff and sore muscles, and insomnia. Alternately, try to pinpoint the occasions and circumstances that cause these pressures. The continuum of wellness, however, is multifaceted.

To attain this goal at work, employers must expose employees to corporate wellness programs and health coaching. They will be able to adopt the proper mindset and increase their energy.

It will do wonders to alter the dynamics of organizational wellness by developing a culture that supports good health. A modern, holistic touch to the usual office culture will produce a healthy work environment with beneficial personnel.

The improvement of employees’ health and wellness is correlated with how they behave at work.

To start with let us look at these affirmations

Personal Powerful Affirmations

  1. I am attentive, mindful, sensitive, focused and being in the present now in whatever I do.


  1. I am in a beautiful peak state of abundance, effortlessness, equanimity, freedom, happiness, humility, joy, love, peace & power as I consciously practice acceptance, adaptability, attitude of gratitude, choosing, coach ability, compassion, contentment, courtesy, detachment, empathy, empowering context, forgiveness, giving, and integrity in whatever I do.


  1. I consciously notice, pay attention, validate, celebrate& act on every realizations, even smallest improvements and successes in my life in order to fully self-actualize my full potential.


  1. I use vivid visualization, creativity, imagination, dreaming, wonderment and reflection to have deeper experiences and higher results in all areas of my life & endeavor to notice the miracles, the magic & impermanence of life.


  1. I have total faith and belief in my capacity and ability. To achieve anything in my life.


  1. I consciously let go of any feelings of self-doubt, self-pity, shame, guilt, hatred, victimhood, fear, envy, ego, resentment and give up the tendencies to justify, blame, compare , deny and complain in my life.


  1. I am totally & solely responsible for everything in my life.

We will cover the various facets of this golden hour in our next article.

The Golden Hour session not only enables you to draw energy from the fellow participants but is also a forum for you to improve upon your communication skills, confidence and hone the leadership skills. This requires nothing except devoting about one hour every day and taking advantage of this beautifully program  conducted by Dr. Arunaagiri Mudaaliar and a team of accomplished leaders.

We strongly urge you to join this holistic program


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