Resolve Emotional Wellbeing through wellness session

Get Quick Assistance for Emotional Turmoil

Emotional well-being is vital in our daily life. Unfortunately, many individuals do not even bother to confront it, let alone comprehend it. As a result, it causes a variety of mental health concerns. Among all the emotional turmoil is one of the most significant baggage. When people’s baggage grows too heavy, it can interfere with their usual functioning. Moreover, it may also result in depression episodes. Worse, the chaos will remove your bright and lively recollections, leading you to ultimate sadness.

Resolve Emotional Wellbeing through wellness sessionSo, Dr Arunaagiri Mudaaliar is organizing a four-day program to assist persons in such anguish or upheaval. He will broaden your understanding of emotional well-being in this workshop. Furthermore, he will discuss strategies for overcoming emotional turmoil so that you can live an ultimately productive life.

Power of Self-Care to Overcome Emotional Turmoil

People are ready to care for others while forgetting about their own. As a result, the kindest souls run out of fuel and feel emotionally exhausted. For them, the concept of self-care may seem an alien concept. Furthermore, people also misunderstand the whole self-care process; many consider it selfish. However, self-care is not selfish. It simply means taking care of oneself as they do for others. Dr. Arunaagiri Mudaaliar is taking the initiative to expand one’s understanding of self-care activities. Furthermore, the workshop is designed to teach people the importance of it as well. Hence the workshop presents an excellent opportunity for emotional healing and shouldn’t be missed. For now, we will give a few simple steps for self-care:

  • Keeping oneself hydrated is the simplest form of self-care. Most of one’s body’s make-up is of water, and giving our body the essential element is necessary. Drinking water from time to time helps better body functioning. Moreover, study shows that hydration also helps in elevating overall mood.
  • Eating a healthy and balanced diet is also another form of self-care. Dr. Arunagiri rightly observes that we are what we eat. More importantly, he says that we feel what we eat. Hence, eating healthy food such as green vegetables, salads, and fruit gives the body the necessary elements. As a result, it results in the production of happy hormones and chemicals. Most importantly, it helps cellular healing and better health.
  • Getting 7-8 hours of sleep is yet another way to self-care. Many people famously call it “beauty sleep” for the right reasons. Sleep helps in brain cell regeneration and also rejuvenates the mind and soul. No matter how busy the person might be, getting enough sleep, i.e., at least sleeping 7 hours a day on a stretch, is essential. With enough rest, your focus improves, and your overall mood enhances.

Positive Affirmations Are Another Way to Kill Emotional Turmoil

One of the evil aspects of the emotional aspect is constantly speaking and feeling lowly of ourselves. It is for sure that people would never do that to another person. They would never speak ill about another person, especially when emotionally unstable. However, the same people find it challenging to do it for themselves. Dr. Arunagiri has touched on this sensitive issue and teaches the power of positive affirmations.

Positive affirmations are all about speaking good things to ourselves and for ourselves. It is like speaking, encouraging, and motivating ourselves, just like one would do for the other. This way, the person starts to feel elevated and distances themselves from negative self-talk. Additionally, it helps people understand their hidden potential and endurance power. The result of positive affirmation is too transformative, let alone getting over emotional turmoil. Hence, people must start their days with positive affirmations only to carry the positivity to get through the day.


These are some methods for relieving the stress of emotional distress. However, attending Dr. Arunaagiri Mudaaliar’s 4-day emotional well-being program is the finest approach to finish it. Mudaaliar will lead you through yoga asanas, affirmations, and exercises, among other things. Book your slot today to get rid of the disturbing emotional turmoil.


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