Sales: Previous Times And Modern Days

The word “Sales” is a comprehensive concept, indeed. It does not only imply selling a product for a price. The ultimate scenario is much more complex than only this. For decades, we have been accustomed to the concept of Sales. It means getting something in return for giving something. However, the concepts and styles of selling have evolved a lot.

In the ancient time, there was no existence of formal currency. Instead, people used to transact through the barter system. This process involved obtaining material by giving another material. For example, a person can buy a packet of sugar by providing a bag of rice, and so on. However, with settlements growing along with the number of occupations, this system was no longer feasible. As a result, the first currency came into existence. In the 7th century, China discovered the first ever money on this Earth. It was a historic creation, and gradually, the currencies took the current form.

This content will show how Sales went through multiple changes before coming to what we understand today.

Sales In Initial Times

The first salesman came into being in 1870 when the motive was to sell insurance products to people. America was the place to start this concept. However, the whole world later started working on the same path. Undoubtedly, things became simpler as people formulated new ideas to impress others.

Frank Woolworth, a creative entrepreneur in the United States, is called the pioneer of “Sales .” However, he also needed to correct several things in the initial phase of this new concept. Woolworth was not a public speaking expert. Hence, he faced many hurdles while communicating with the customers. Moreover, he lacked convincing power and often sold products at a much lower price. Undoubtedly, that was a sign of loss for the company.

When the shopkeeper decided to fire him for his inappropriate selling actions, he came up with the most important theory, prevalent worldwide today. He gathered all the unsold articles in one place and placed a board declaring the price of 5 cents for all. Within minutes, the shop became overcrowded with customers, and all the goods went sold. It was a remarkable event when the idea of a “50% Discount” ensured higher sales.

Modern Day Sales

In 1924, IBM started the professional approach to Sales. Furthermore, the company’s founders determined to go for modernization by incorporating several new concepts. They conducted different sales training programs to develop selling skills among the employees. Moreover, the best graduates from the top colleges got jobs in this company due to their selling knowledge. A professional atmosphere ensured that the employees thoroughly understood sales and its theories.

However, the youngsters made many mistakes while implementing the sales theories in real-world scenarios. Ultimately, sales reached a good height with the help of the newly devised methods and techniques. The blend of the latest technologies also played significantly in modernizing sales with time.

According to the classic formula for successful sales, a manager should remember the concept of AIDCA. It assists any professional in meeting his objective fruitfully after handling all the challenges.

It means;-

A for Attention

I for Interest

D for Desire

C for Confidence

A for Action

If these five steps are clear, nothing can stop a good closure. Every transaction should have a proper closure. Even if you are unable to make the sales, end the conversation on good terms. This will keep the opportunities to fulfill the sales in later times. Please never consider rejection as a failure. Learn from all your mistakes and apply the correct strategy.

For more information on sales evolution, join Dr. Arunaagiri Mudaaliar’s classes. He is a fantastic person who supports millions of enthusiastic professionals to build a career in sales. The classes are genuinely unique and designed to meet the needs of all.


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