Learning And Unlearning Are Two Pillars Of Success

“Focus”- this word may seem very small, but its impact is unbelievable. People tend to deviate from their objectives only because of losing focus on the subject matter. Moreover, a business can face several challenging circumstances when the sales are not up to the mark. It implies that the salesperson needs to be more careful in his/her approach. Do you belong to this group of sales commandoes? This blog is definitely of great use to you.

You have to concentrate on your goal. If the goal is fixed, the moment of success is not far away. However, you should have a learning and unlearning attitude. We will discuss this topic elaborately to teach you about the Two Pillars of Success. Come across the fantastic lectures of Dr. Arunaagiri, and you will indeed taste success within a short time.

Ways To Succeed In Sales

Learning the selling concepts is essential to develop these skills. The sales training sessions always help acquire the proper knowledge to accomplish the objective. However, only learning the theories will not be sufficient if you lack the attitude of unlearning. The sales executive must be keen to understand the customers’ changing needs. Accordingly, it becomes evident to adopt new policies for successful sales.

With Dr. Mudaaliar by your side, growing in your sales career will not be an arduous task. Constant learning and unlearning are the most significant factors that take you to the ultimate goal. Even if you are the sales manager, the training will still play an important part. Putting a full stop to further learning will stop your growth too.

Effective communication always keeps Active Listening at the top. Therefore, you need to apply the correct tricks to have a stimulating effect on the prospect. Unlearning attitude prepares you to accept new theories and methodologies. Hence, it becomes easier to handle the modern requirements of your customers.

Entrepreneurs Who Relearn Grow Faster

The concept of Learning and Unlearning is undoubtedly the primary factor for continuous growth. Several brands will enter the market, indulging in the same line of business. However, not all of them will exist for a long time. This is all because of the capacity to learn and unlearn. Past trends will tell you how multiple businesses were forced to close down due to resistance to change.

Learning makes you aware of the concepts and basics of selling. On the other hand, unlearning gives you the strength to adapt to the changed versions of the old theories or develop some new technologies. After this process comes Relearning. This is the ultimate layer of the Learning Cycle, where you gain insights into modern selling tactics.

Successful entrepreneurs are never hesitant to accept the changes. They follow the key mantra of success- “Learn, Unlearn, Relearn.” Therefore, if you wish to master sales, you should also walk on this path.

Dr. Arunaagiri has well-devised classes to explain the importance of learning, unlearning, and relearning. Follow every lecture to understand the concepts and learn the applications. Furthermore, having a strong mindset to adapt to the changed environment is crucial for growth. Let your business be a top-notch brand. When the sales rep becomes the customer’s favorite, automatically, the ultimate turnover will reflect it.


The process of learning and unlearning is continuous. As you learn a concept, your mind becomes accustomed to it. However, you must also consider unlearning while attending a different class or meeting a new client. New situations let you think out of the box. Only then can you relearn the modified things and apply them fruitfully. Dr. Arunaagiri supports you in this whole journey and ensures the creation of a confident sales team. Share your thoughts with this mentor and take a big leap in your career.


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