Maze Game, A Comprehensive Management Game

Sometimes you feel stuck in life, and you think you might be rescued if you had a team of people. We have a few suggestions if you find yourself completely lost in a challenging maze and need help to escape. You undoubtedly have a few in mind when considering our tough games. Prepare your mind before playing because this game is fun and much more. We usually play this game in our workshops, and it is becoming viral to join the session for the fun time people have playing this. The Maze Game is a comprehensive management game. This game helps in building curiosity, resourcefulness, responsiveness and alertness.

Let me explain this to you. The trainees are divided into groups.

The game is played in two parts. First, The game is played to see how impeccably the trainees can make ‘brown tapes’. Second, how one can get the entire team from one corner to another, one step at a time and one row at a time. We also have a referee chosen from the other side to monitor the team. The referee monitors their movement. The team needs to be agile and alert. The whole idea is to remember the maze. Over a period, they can get to the first and then the second. The sheet is provided only to the referee.

The game truly enhances team coordination, communication, and team spirit.

Now that you know more about our new game Maze, you might be shocked by how entertaining and resourceful this game is despite its difficulty.


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