What are the common mistakes made by a Sales Person

What are the common mistakes made by a Sales Person?

Approaching a customer with the aim of selling a product can be challenging for any sales personnel. Moreover, if you are leading a team, you must be responsible for their behavior and overall performance. As a responsible sales personnel, one must be careful while applying various sales strategies. The programs of Dr. Arunaagiri Mudaaliar will ensure that you do not make any undesirable mistakes in the coming days. To know them better, please enroll for the effective sessions today.

What are the common mistakes made by a Sales PersonAs per the expert’s opinion, the common mistakes that most sales personnel should avoid are;

  • Only blabbering about the product and not listening to the customer attentively
  • Lack of focus on the ultimate solution that the customer needs
  • Making false claims and promising something unreal
  • Not revealing the true value of the product, instead mentioning only the price
  • Unnecessary argument with a potential buyer
  • Improper and insufficient homework about the background of the customer or product
  • Making the process too lengthy without focusing on the essential points
  • Becoming overconfident while conversing with a client
  • Not making effective communication with the decision-maker

If a sales team member can realize the mistakes, he or she can go a long way in this field. Get the motivation and encouragement from Dr. Arunaagiri Mudaaliar and proceed with your selling plan. Do not ever lose your focus on the objective. The ultimate results will be fruitful as you follow the essential instructions of the industrialist. Identify the errors and rectify them timely to enjoy a more successful business.


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