Pranayama and its benefits

Importance of Pranayama and Effects of The Special Session

Physical fitness is the essence of leading a healthy life. However, along with your body, there should be peace in your mind too. Are you willing to experience something soothing and tranquil? Join the special sessions of Dr Arunaagiri. The talented personality focuses on corporate wellness and ensures that everybody leaves the place with a smile.

Pranayama and its benefitsWellness programs always act as a booster for the performances. Therefore, employees from any area can join these fascinating sessions for mind refreshment. These people struggle a lot daily to take the tremendous work pressure and maintain a balance between personal and work life. In such a crucial scenario, they must attend something refreshing that can encourage them to be active. Enhance your knowledge of the particular pranayama and corporate wellness sessions.

Well-Designed Pranayama Sessions

Dr Arunaagiri presents a four-day session to teach you the true meaning of peace. Pranayama is one of the most significant energy sources and has been prevalent in India for thousands of years. You cannot ignore the importance of this incredible form of yoga leading to a fit body and satisfied mind. But how do you deal with the extreme stress you face every day? The special Pranayama sessions of Arunaagiri Mudaaliar will help you gain strength and leave a rejuvenating effect on your mind, body, and soul simultaneously. The 4-day sessions teach you different asanas and the importance of each one of them.

For holistic well-being, every employee must take these programs seriously and be confident to accept any challenge. The effects of these sessions include;-

  • Increased productivity
  • More satisfaction with the job
  • Less health-related expenses
  • Retention of more employees
  • Employee turnover rate decreases

Several companies are investing considerable amounts in organizing such sessions to support the mental well-being of the employees.

Things You Can Get At Pranayama Sessions

The primary motive of the pranayama sessions is to make you learn different yoga forms and how to behave in certain situations. Each day of these programs is highly effective for corporate wellness.

Day 1: The participants will get an introduction to the famous personality, Dr Arunaagiri and how he planned to provide coaching on fitness. Along with the pranayama mudras, you can also learn the correct forms of performing the breathing kriyas. Moreover, you will also be shown a video of Breathing and different yoga postures. At the end of the session, you are free to ask questions to the yoga master.

Day 2: The different activities on the second day of the session will tell you about the mantra for praising your Guru. Furthermore, you can feel a significant change within yourself through empowerment affirmations.

Day 3: The third day will impart knowledge about the multiple difficulties everyone has to face. However, through the asanas, you will learn that facing challenges is the only way to overcome them. Thus, you will become more confident with every special exercise.

Day 4: The fourth and the last day will let you visualize every situation from different perspectives. You will find hundreds of new reasons to shower unconditional love on yourself. Say that you love yourself a lot. Moreover, you will start believing people and strengthen your trust. Several asanas are there to ensure your mind becomes free from negative thoughts or doubtfulness.

To Sum Up

Yoga and pranayama are very effective ways of refreshing yourself. The powerful sessions of Dr Arunaagiri will help you come close to these impressive means to keep your body healthy. Moreover, the Pranayama sessions will take care of your mental health also. So, it will be a new beginning when you can analyze your problems and make your brain free from all the stress.


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