An ancient tradition of sun salutations known as Surya Namaskar is a sequence of postures that should be performed for individual and social well-being and holistic health. The advantages span many aspects of physical health systems and include psychological security through outdoor aerobic conditioning; it is a historical necessity for future generations. The study is necessary because outdoor activity levels have substantially decreased today and in the future. People who work out also choose the indoor setting of a gym. People could get sun-deprived as a result. In this case, Surya Namaskar’s holistic character may be advantageous and provide a daily health boost that depends on the dose.
Surya Namaskar is a series of 12 positions that should be performed facing the Sun, one after another, with pauses for calm breathing and attention on the Sun God. It might also involve reciting mantras, which has extra advantages. The following areas of health were identified as a significant emphasis for health for futuristic humans based on an analysis of the selected papers. Vitamin D is a vitamin that is directly created by the skin. Surya Namaskar is a way to get your daily dose of the D3 vitamin.
Sun Salutation is the first asana that every yoga practitioner does. “Sun worship is a necessary component of all asana practice. The Surya Namaskara should always be distinct from simple physical activity – as something incidental that only comes before the yoga asana.
The Sun Salutation has numerous health advantages. It eases physical and mental tension, enhances circulation, controls respiration, and revs up your central nervous system. According to early yogis, the Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra, the second brain located in the navel region, is said to be activated by this pose. This enhances an individual’s capacity for creativity and intuition.
Each Surya Namaskar position works a different portion of your body while loosening up your muscles. Your body becomes more prepared to do more challenging and powerful asanas. Sun Salutation practice also aids in the development of spiritual insight and knowledge. It helps people think more clearly by calming their minds.
Vitamin D is a vitamin that is directly created by the skin. Surya Namaskar is an excellent way to get your daily vitamin D. Asanas may be practised in a proper atmosphere, ideally in warm ambient sunlight in the morning and can be used as a daily supplement. Daily sun exposure to various asanas can raise the levels of vitamin D production. Surya Namaskar, a form of flexibility training, has improved the chest wall’s dynamic flexibility.
Surya Namaskar boosts the body’s effectiveness to ensure energy levels remain high. Also, the endocrinal increase typically occurs with improved circulation as glucose is metabolised. It also reduces cardiovascular and metabolic risk and spinal manipulations. A meta-analysis and systematic review have suggested yoga as a treatment for low back pain. In the case of asymptomatic persons, Surya Namaskar’s 12 exercises, which cover extension and flexion postures for the spine, might be used as an exercise intervention. Surya Namaskar, a self-controlled spinal adjustment, can result in better spinal adjustments in cases of low back pain.
Sales Lessons from Surya Namaskar – Drawing a parallel!
There are similarities and business lessons to learn from when we look at the lifespan of a transaction and Surya Namaskar! Chair pose, also known as the Fierce Pose, is where it all begins. In this marketing campaign, we cry out to the world how fantastic our proposition is. It is brimming with vigour and purpose.
After the campaign, we plunge into the frequently plentiful, if somewhat lacking, lustre world of potential leads at the top of the funnel.
A small group of courageous individuals on the business development team frequently perform this problematic effort. Uttanasana – Forward fold)
Some leads are more promising than others, and we have found one that will help the club surpass its goal this quarter; hurrah! It’s time to give the sales team control of this. ( Ardha Uttanasana – Half forward fold)
After a week, our promising lead has deteriorated, the prospect has been acquired, and all budgets have been blocked. We are now at the bottom and must restart from scratch. (Chaturanga – Low Plank)
Finding a lead that we had previously neglected after searching through the list of second-best leads prompts us to get down to the floor again and look up towards the potential sale in the eye. (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana Uppward facing dog)
(In fact, we are so fired up that we dive straight in—picking up the phone and ringing the prospect immediately—like a bloodhound with its quarry. ( Adho mukha śvānāsana – Downward facing dog)
We feel like true warriors after learning that we have a confirmed in-person meeting with the CEO for the following week. Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)
Things move along nicely, with a few ups and downs, until we eventually receive the signed contract two hours before the quarter ends, ending the cycle as fiercely as we had begun it in Chair stance or Fierce pose.
As you strike your final chair pose and cross the finish line, you’ll feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment knowing that you and your body set a goal and achieved it and that all of the challenges you faced along the way were entirely your fault.